Week One Half Done
Tis hump day, so that means I’ve made it half way through week one of prep to comp .. go me 😉
To mark this special occasion I actually managed to haul my arse out of bed at stupid oclock to do cardio .. go me (again) 😉
I’ve had a hard time getting up early ever since Ive been able to sleep in over the Christmas/New Year period, aaah it may have been a festive season, but it doesn’t help the body clock at all!
Thankfully I awoke to this …

Oh what a beautiful morning!
So walked along the waterfront from Judges Bay down to Okahu Bay and back again, it was just over 5ks .. what a lovely way to start the stupid oclock routine!

I may not look glamorous, but Im up 😉
All in all my training is going well, feeling strong and my new training partner is pushing me to my limits (and even beyond my limits at times!)
Hopefully there is some movement in the down wards direction for fatness and weight when I check on Saturday.
To round off hump day, I bring you …
Luke O’Donnell

Luke ODonnell - League Player (NRL, Cowboys)
He ALMOST makes me want to watch sport on TV 😉
Till next time