Week Four the Back Story
When I unveiled week fours activity for the ”Challenge 300” I mentioned that there was a back story behind the selection and now that I am feeling mildly human again after spending four days in bed drugged up fighting off man flu I will let you in on the story.
Some of you may have noticed that the photo to the left of Steve selecting an activity from the ”Challenge 300” bag is not the photo that was used in the official blog post *scandalous*
You see I usually arrange to have the activity drawn a day or two before the Friday so that it gives me time to find photos and video links that explain how to perform the activity.
Mostly I do this so that those of you who are taking up the challenge are; A) Doing the same thing and more importantly B) Doing the exercise safely.
Steve did the draw Wednesday morning. When he sat down he asked what was the worse thing he could draw out of the bag to which I replied Burpees. Nek minnut ..
I know he’s putting on a smile in the photo – but I can assure you it was forced. Steve was gutted that he pulled out the dreaded burpee from the bag and he looked like someone had kicked his dog (I have no idea whether Steve does or does not have a dog).
So burpees it was .. until …
Two words spring to mind .. cat/bag .. Yep Steve felt so bad he felt the need to apologise for selecting burpees (good) but before anyone knew it had been selected (bad).
So to make it fair we did a redraw but I did put burpees back in the bag. Steve was pleased as punch that he managed to avoid redrawing the same thing (as are the FBs now that I’ve told the full story).
I guess you all owe a debt of gratitude to Mr Price
Till next time