That’s just typical!

Today I got these in the post

My adorable custom made Reebok lifters designed around my two favorite colors – black and pink.

Although if you saw me on a day to day basis you would probably guess black and grey are my favorite colors.

The lifters that are readily available in the shop at the moment are black and grey but yeah I’m sorry they are fugly.

Not even taking a photo of them magically walking without legs attached made me want to buy them, maybe it’s the red just a tad too colorful for me 😉

Anyway I digress.

I’ve heard some really bad stories about having custom shoes made because they don’t turn out anything like you expect.  I was worried they’d turn up and be shiny and plastic looking but thankfully they turned out exactly pretty much as expected.  The only thing was I thought the black nubuck would have more of a grain finish but otherwise perfect!

So now I have lifting shoes ..

But .. I’m injured and can’t lift – Typical .. *sigh*

I don’t think I actually told you the “how Julia got injured (yet again)” story. I was probably too busy worrying about not eating grains for the next 30 days (I got through day one by the way) that it slipped my mind.

Friday morning Mr P.T and I were training (well I was training and he was telling me to hurry the f**k up because we all know how lazy I can be) and I was on my last front squat.  I’d already pb’d the lift before but Mr P.T thought it would be a great idea to see if we (being me) could lift heavier ..

Yeah well apparently I can, but not correctly 😉

So that’s me – no lifting for a week or two (or four if you ask my physio).

But if I take the glass half full approach it gives me more time to box.  I tried this morning and it wasn’t bad because I don’t move my feet when I box – nothing technically correct about my boxing technique that’s for sure!

Till next time

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