I’ve always been one of those people who talks to themselves and more often than not – out loud.

“Come on Julz!” (usually combined with FFS) is something I’ve screamed a million times when I’m under duress and not performing optimally in whatever sporting endeavor is my “latest” there was even that time that I broke down in tears in the middle of an event and had to be pulled back from the edge, but I’ve come a long way.

These days I’m older, wiser and gentler on myself – although if I’m being completely honest, I just expect less of myself (performance wise) so I’m not as hard on myself. I still show up and toe the line but I’m ok with participating rather than competing.

I do however, still talk to myself, out loud. I just no longer feel the need to scream about being shite.

Would you give your best if your boss spent the entire day screaming at you? Yeah nah, in fact I’d do the exact opposite and give as little effort as I could get away with as a big “f you”

So – I now give my body the credit it deserves for showing up and trying to do what I’m asking of it – even when we don’t quite make it, I vocally tell myself “that’s ok, it was so close – next time we’ll* nail that” or I’ll clap for myself when I’ve done something well.

If you celebrate your friends and families achievements, you should also celebrate your own, regardless how small you deem those achievements to be.

Ran 30 seconds non stop? – Celebrate that!

Did a pull up? – Celebrate that!

Got out of bed when you really didn’t want too? – Celebrate that shit too!

Life is way too short – celebrate it all!

*I have no idea why I consider my mind and body to be separate entities .. but that’s another blog post entirely. 😉

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