Planning for success

Happy Monday (to those of you sharing my time zone) 😉

Weekends are usually my downfall.  I either eat too much or I don’t eat enough, there is not usually a happy medium.  But this weekend it was spot on!

As I mentioned last week I had 7.5 weeks to lose a tonne of fatness (well not an entire tonne, but you get the general idea).  To get me to where I want to be I have plan and I was quite chuffed with myself for following it .. to the T!

Saturday marked the end of Operation Wedding – the day that Willy finally made an honest woman of Emma.

I checked my plan and prepared the food that was listed (for the day as I didn’t know what time we would be home) and packed it into my handbag.  I wasn’t sure what the food was going to be at the wedding, but I thought they would have some form of salad or veg, so I just took chicken for dinner – if worse came to worse I could just eat the chicken.

The food turned out to be hangi (yum) so I ate the pumpkin from my parcel and the pumpkin from James’ and then the boys split my food out between them .. so worked out all good!  The only thing was that I was short in my water intake that day, but overall I was very proud of myself. 🙂

Incidentally it was the first time James’ had hangi.  I overheard him telling my Dad that it was “roast in tinfoil” .. close I suppose.

Well I guess you all want to see “the dress” so here we go .. please don’t forget I said I would look “ok(ish)” because I was pretty slack during the lead up to the wedding – luckily I wasn’t the bride and not all eyes where on me.

Oh and remember when I said that James’ looks hot in a suit so his hotness would rub off on me .. I wasn’t lying

So it just goes to show a little planning goes a long way and if you want something bad enough you will do whatever it is that is required of you to get there.  Julia has found her mojo people!

Although I just with the light bulb had turned on 12 weeks ago.

I guess I should be thankful that I’ve finally switched my brain into gear and yes that is a photo of me with an extremely large light bulb. 🙂

So bring on the week .. I am ready!

Till next time

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