Lets catch up

Yes yes ..

I understand its been a long time since I’ve answered your questions and I apologize and I will get through some of them for you today especially since I don’t really have anything of interest to tell you. 😉

Well I could explain just how “interested” I have become with the Rugby World Cup.

If James’ ever drags the kidlets and I off to the Northern Hemisphere to live I’ve narrowed his choices down to;

  1. Ireland
  2. Wales
  3. Scotland

Although the only research I have done on these countries is oogling the investigative journalism I have been doing for Wolf Whistle Wednesday whilst watching the men run around the field in shorts.

I think James’ misses home quite alot because even though he CONSTANTLY complains about the time he spent living in Scotland he didn’t dismiss it from the list. 😉

Well I guess like the blog title says, lets catch up ……


I don’t hate them, but I wouldn’t say I love them.  At a pinch I would rather run up a hill than do a set of 20-30 burpees.

LOL – I can see a theme developing ..

Probably the chinpee, which is a burpee which on the end jump you jump up to a bar and do a pullup and then go back into the burpee.

I think the hardest variation (for me) is the box burpee, cause I suck at jumping up onto the box quickly.  Hell I struggle jumping onto the box slowly!

That should probably read .. “Will you do another show”? 😉

Honestly?  I don’t know.

I guess there will be another show since I’m 40 next year and it could be a cool “milestone” AND I ordered a bikini for the Nationals which is beautiful and I’d love to wear it.  So I would hazard a guess I will do a show in May-June 2012.  (But I wouldn’t hold your breath).

Which is probably a good segue into the next (and final) question for today …


However, I don’t belong to a crossfit club AND I’m not sure how much fun it would be if you actually did it competitively if you know what I mean.

I do however want the body of a crossfitter .. those women are hard as rock and strong and get to eat from what I have read .. lol.

I think an awesome thing to do that kind of involves a competition involving the skills you get from doing Ludus or Crossfit would be the Spartan Race series.

My friend Lisa did it this year and I think it would be an amazing event for a group of sporting kiwis to go to (*hint hint* Reina, Jo and co)

So till next time – you should all start up a “Spartan Race Fund”

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