I must be doing it right

Because I can attest to the fact that I am a little sore 😉

Some of you have been wondering why you haven’t heard about Ludus lately and its due to the fact that I haven’t been going during the Christmas/New Year period because the classes didn’t fit in with work (yes I am one of those boring people who worked through) however this morning my world went “back to normal” and I started my day out in the arena. 😀

Oh it felt good to be back! Well actually some of it didn’t feel too good AND I was in the group whose first set started with 50 burpees and we all know how Julia just adores burpees but it’s by far the best way to start the day.

It’s a huge bummer I can’t do as many sessions these days as I’d like too because I have other priorities this year but a couple is better than none.

Oh and this morning while I was trying not to die to catch my breath I looked across the arena and I think if I were a little round yellow circle I would probably have looked a little something like this ..

Because on the other side of the room I spied non other than one of my “wolfs” aka The One Man Try Stopping Machine

Jerome Kaino *sigh* pity I’m relatively fit these days so it was only a short moment before I was not dying anymore caught my breath and it was back into my workout ..

See even wolfs don’t stop this girl from getting what needs to be done – done. 

I wonder if I can blame him for the fact that I was two exercises short of completing the session in time. Although I’m guessing that had more to do with my caramel slice intake over Christmas than anything else .. 😉

Till next time

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