Everybody Zumba!

Party? Not in my opinion .. but its quite fun!
I’ve been trying to mix it up this week, especially after last weeks dismal performance of an entire 400 grams lost!
My friend Jessie is a certified Zumba instructor and she had held her first demonstration class on Tuesday night, so I did a cardio boot camp on Tuesday morning (so that ticks off the high intensity), I weight trained after work, then headed home for some food before heading out the door again to Zumba.
The class was packed! Thankfully there were quite a few faces I knew, mostly “competition” girls who had shown up to support Jessie, so I had some co-ordinated friends to watch and copy. All the hype said its just like a party, but I didn’t think so .. it is however quite fun, and I can see it becoming even more enjoyable once you get the moves down. It is however nothing really new .. quite a few of the moves are really old school aerobics moves with a few funky arms thrown in, but it gets the heart rate up and the music is good, so its an enjoyable extra cardio session.
I thought I would get in some practice, so I went along to a Zumba class at my gym on Thursday night. I conned Lavinia into coming (who would have rather have done the hard core boxing class) and I enjoyed the second class more, because I had more of an idea of the moves. I also had Krystal next to me (you know the amazing dancer from the series Dancing with the Stars), so I had feet to follow, although I still cant co-ordinate my arms and feet .. definitely something to work on!
So .. one more sleep till the big *weigh in* .. AF arrived so hopefully my results are too askew, I think im looking leaner, but only the calipers know for sure!
Till tomorrow *shakes in fear* xox