Counting my blessings
I love it when I wake up to a beautiful morning!
Even though technically its still dark when I wake up, it’s the silence that alerts me to the fact that its going to be a nice morning to head out for my morning cardio.
I’ve been blessed this week with company on my morning walks. Lavinia (who I used to train with) has “returned” and she is on a mission to lose 9 kilos before Christmas. It is lovely to have someone to natter with and pass the time.
Another blessing for me is finding out just how many friends I have and how amazing they are. After yesterday’s announcement regarding my Poppa I have felt nothing but love and support from all the amazing people I have in my life, so a big collective group hug is in order.
And because good things come in threes another high point for me, is the fact I’ve finished my routine! If I had to hit my head in frustration one more time I think I would have looked like a battered woman, my poor husband would have had some strange looks when we went out together this weekend 😉 so now I just need to practice, practice, practice, especially the smiling part J
On a slightly more unnerving note, my weight isn’t budging, after my initial good drop (mostly water after my binge last week) its been stable, I’m pretty sure I see more definition, so I’m hopeful that my body is doing the right thing and putting on muscle while losing the fat. I mean that is how it’s supposed to work, isn’t it? I have my measures done on a Saturday, which happens to be tomorrow, so we shall all find out then (and you can all ogle at my fatness when I do the bikini photos).
Right here is the round up ..
Cardio = Good.
Morning cardio with Lavinia was an hour long walk around Pt Chev and my night time cardio (which always sounds slightly sleezy, but I assure you its not), was a 45 minute walk with kidlets and husband in tow.
Weights = So so
Did arms, my elbow is giving my jip, so although triceps went pretty good, biceps were a shocker, just look for me on stage, I will be the one with NO biceps! Argh!
Food = Good
Oh and I was in foodie heaven, because I called into the fresh fish shop after the gym and they had John Dory .. when I saw it I let out an excited squeal, the shop assistants looked at me like I was a loon.
I’m getting excited now .. only 22 more sleeps to go!
Till next time xox