Category: Blog


One of the myriad of links that came through on my Facebook newsfeed today was; Fitness Fails: Workouts you need to stop doing...

The heroes

At CrossfitHPU Friday is benchmark day. explains that benchmark workouts serve to measure and benchmark your performance and improvements though repeated, irregular,...

My one word

This year I did away with the tradition of making any New Years resolutions. Instead of a long list of things I wanted...

They're coming ……

Christmas is all too rapidly approaching .. If you are anything like me you will consume too much dessert, spend more time in...

Shortest blog post ever

Today I ran.  I am shite. Today I had needles shoved into me (or strategically placed if you ask my physio).  It was...

My first crossfit comp

A while back I put my hand up to help out at the CrossfitHPU play off’s as a judge. Last week I attended...

Now thats my kind of WOD

I knew it was going to be hard work to haul my arse up at stupid o’clock this morning. I’d been up WAY...