At the crossroads

68.0 kgs

So, today has not been a good day .. although I am down 1 kg this week it is far from a good loss!  Mostly muscle and only a miniscule amount of fat, so time to think things through again especially since I’m two kilos behind where I should be, which is a lot!

I’ve been thinking long and hard today about whether its all worth it .. the time spent away from my family in the gym, getting up at stupid oclock to walk while listening to my tummy grumble, all the planning, preparing, the money and the emotional rollercoaster that is called preparing for a competition. I’ve reached the point where I’m in pretty good shape for an “average” woman (especially one who has given birth to two kidlets) so I could be happy just losing a couple more kilos so my pants sit a little lower on the hip, but after a day spent soul searching I can’t give up, It’s just not in my nature to quit when things get hard and even though my babies are too young to really see it at the moment, I want them to know that anything is possible if you put your mind to it, I never want them to think that quitting when things get hard is a valid option.

So I’m gritting my teeth, knuckling down and after talking to Jo this morning, I’m making some changes to my food (I will actually eat more and more often) so my fingers are crossed (again) for a decent drop next time.   My poor husband has borne the brunt of my pissed off ness today but tonight I’m going out with Lavinia to see Lady Gaga .. time to shake off the cobwebs and let loose, so the saying “Tomorrow is another day” has never been more appropriate.

Till next time xox

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