A new year

I have become a different woman!  Not only am I 10 kgs lighter I have a new attitude on life, even SD thinks I’m a happier lady these days.

The official verdict was that I’m right where I need to be in regards to being competition ready.  Jo wanted me to have 20 kgs of fat by this time and thankfully I’m just under (I bet it could have been even better, I blame that small pudding I had on Christmas Day! ) I’m really excited about this year.  I’ve spent the past two years using my body to grow these precious things called my children and now its time to spend some time on Mummy.

I read about a journal called the fit book and had a look at it online.  Its relatively expensive for someone on one income trying to provide for a family, so I decided to make my own version.  The good part was I could leave out the parts that were of no interest to me, and add in things that would help me on my journey.  I will take pics for you next week as it still needs to be bound, but it should help me track my training and food, so that I can make tweeks here and there and fine tune my training.  The original version is for a 12 week period, I have made mine for a four week period, so that will coincide with seeing Jo and having my measurements done.  It will be a good record of what I’ve been up too so she can keep an eagle eye on me.

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