100 Days 100 Burpees – Day 37 – My name is Julia and I am an addict?

I bet when you first saw that you thought .. burpees!

Alas – burpees are free, I have more “expensive” tastes. 😉

You see Iz seems to have a thing for shoes – every week she seems to have a new pair or even pairs and when I mentioned I had bought some new shorts she said ..

“You seem as addicted to new shorts as I am to shoes”

Which made me think .. you see I have a LOT of shoes, so I suggested we get all our trainers, line them up and take a photo.

Well the kids thought it was great fun, you see my shoes “live” in what is supposed to be a huge toy box near the front door.  As well as in my bedroom, in my dressing room, in my car, I found two pairs in the bathroom, one pair on the deck, another pair in the kitchen .. you get my drift.  So it was a treasure hunt of sorts ..

James and I had a bit of an argument as to what constituted a “trainer” – I said that it only included shoes I train in .. so just my running shoes (and I do Ludus in my running shoes).  He however thought it would include all sneakers – so my converse, vans, airwalks etc.  So I compromised and put my “sneakers” in the back row

I actually didn’t think the amount I had was THAT excessive, after all I do train – quite a lot .. lol .. apparently however in the land of Facebook not many people have 25 pairs of running shoes and another 10 pairs of sneakers that they just walk around in … #whoknew 🙂

However the bonus of this exercise was that I “found” shoes I had forgotten about!  So I wore a “newly acquired” pair today .. notice how they match my outfit in todays burpee challenge vid 🙂

And that seems to be a perfect segue into the actual video – check out my top today “I heart burpees” – it will be available soon on site!  You know you want one 😉

Oh and in regards to Iz’s comment about the shorts – well yeah I took a photo of my lulu running shorts drawer. The fact that I actually have an entire drawer just for lulu running shorts probably paints the picture for you. The girls have staged an intervention ..

Till next time

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1 Response

  1. Tenecia says:

    I called you a “beast” before I saw this video…and yep..it just proves that you, my dear, are a beast & one badass woman! 🙂


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