Happy 2015

For the past two years instead of resolutions I’ve chosen one word as the inspiration for the upcoming year.

In 2013 my word was “Balance” and last year I chose the word “Gratitude”, both words still inspire me and are a daily reminder of what is truly important when I find myself getting caught up in the day to day stuff that life can throw at you.

This year my one word is PRESENCE

During the Christmas Season, Lululemon encouraged people to #givepresence This directive really hit a cord with me.

My kids can be as materialistic as the next however they really just crave my undivided attention. So although I made a concerted effort in 2014 to spend more time with them after reading about #givepresence I really concentrated on ending the year truly being present in the moment. Instead of taking the kids to a park and catching up on my social networking in the sun while they played, I climbed up rope towers beside them. I looked at them and listened whenever they’d run in to the room to tell me something instead of half listening to them and half listening to the TV after all that’s why they invented the live pause function. 😉

Being present is as simple as remembering, “wherever you are, be all there”

Whatever plans, resolutions, dreams or words you have to inspire you this year I wish you all the best. Take 2015 by the horns and be the change you want to see in the world.

Till next time





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