Day “90” – The follow through

follow-through – carrying some project or intention to full completion

I’m guilty of being one of those people who talks before they think .. just ask any of my detractors.

I have a problem with filtering and I seem to think and speak at the same rate – so a thought (or opinion) comes in my head and it immediately comes out of my mouth and that lack of filter has seen world war 3,4 and maybe even 5 break out on occasion.

It also means I seem to think that I can do anything AND I probably can, but shit happens and things fall by the wayside.

Injuries (say bye bye half iron man), life (Bye bye competition two weeks prior out from show day) and motivation ..

And it was a combination of the three that stopped me mid (well over mid way) through my 100 Days 100 Burpee challenge. I kept meaning to get back on track but it just hasn’t happened and the longer I left it the easier it seemed to be just to let it go.

That was until Anna asked me about it and said

“It’s still 100 burpees in a 100 days even if you have a break in the middle – I can do them with you when your shoulder is better if you like”

And that’s just what I needed – a gentle nudge in the right direction .. so IM BACK! You missed me right?!?! (Actually don’t answer that) …

Anyway I actually have a tonne of things to tell you but the post would quickly become a novel so I’ll spread out all the updates over this week. But I will tell you that Iz and I go to Fiji in 9 weeks!

9 weeks to get beach bikini ready! Which is totally different to wearing a bikini at your own pool! James married me so has to think I’m hot and the kids think I’m awesome no matter what I look like.

So the plan is to try and loose about 6-8 kgs while having a life so don’t expect not to see my weekly kiwiyo instagram photo cause that aint gonna happen

I have a personal trainer to help me. Usually I would just ludus hard out but since my shoulder and achillies are farked at the moment (very technical term I know) I can’t so his job is to give me the same calorie burn as a ludus workout but working within my limitations of which there are many – he certainly earns his money AND he has to put up with my constant complaining.

But in fairness he makes me work so it’s only fair that I return the favor!

Anyway I’ll tell you more about him in another post because right now I think we should get on with the show ..

Huge thanks to Anna for keeping me accountable!    I love you even though you beat me at mastering all our “challenges” – one arm handstand anyone?

Till next time

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1 Response

  1. Donloree says:

    Personal trainer! Can’t wait to hear and see more. What is the deal with the ankle and shoulder…prognosis?