What’s Your Why?

So I did a thing today .. .

Cause you know, God said too and who am I to argue ..

Anyhoo – what I want to know is why the first question from each and EVERY person you meet is always “And what are you here for?” ..

Obviously these people don’t know me so blurting out “We’ll random person – God built this gym on my doorstep cause I won’t drive to one and I don’t want to be struck by lightening next time I’m out trail running for disobeying him” isn’t  the best opening line so I went with ..

“Well it’s close to work, so I thought – why not .. ”

This invariably leads too quizzical looks which is followed by the following conversation;

Random “So what are your goals?”

Me “Umm .. blank stare”

Random “So what have you done previously – training wise .. ”

Me “Where do I start .. I’ve done crossfit ..

Random “So you like to run, lift, box jump?”

Me “No .. but I do go trail running”

Random “So you DO like to run”

Me “Not really, but who doesn’t like forests .. ? I mean if you’re going to run, you may as well do it somewhere cool – right?”

Random “So why do you train?”

Me (looking confused)  “LIFE I’m training for life .. ”

Random “Ahh – fair enough!”

I guess I’ll just open with that from now on .. 😉

Till next time





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