And so it begins

Tomorrow marks the 12 week countdown to my next competition (The Nabba Nationals).



Tonight I am going to bite the bullet (and probably shed a few tears and kick myself for enjoying too many waffles in the US) and have my measurements done with Miss Jo before training.   It will give me a starting point and show me how much work I have to do before I’m ready to take on the “world”.

In anticipation of the next 12 weeks of competition training I shall make the following promises to my blog readers, my friends, my family and most of all my ever supportive husband.

  • About having no boobies – at the moment I have boobies and they are honestly more trouble than they are worth.   Although I fill out a t-shirt pretty well now, they bounce when I run .. that hurts.
  • About the lack of carbs – this new keto diet is rockin!  I’m feeling good.
  • About how sore I am – if I do slip up, just remind me how sore I was this past week, that should put it all in perspective for me. 😉

  • This was my choice and life goes on for everyone else.  If James wants to eat Burger Fuel I will not cry (in front of him).
  • Good things come to those who wait, but greater things come to those who are willing to work for it!  (Thank you Tenecia for reminding me).
  • It’s only 12 weeks, I can do this!

So I hope you are ready for this ride.  Hopefully there are not too many bumps along the way, I would prefer a gentle ride such to contest day like the Storyboat River Ride at Disneyland over the scream worthy Space Mountain please.

Oh and before I go, if you haven’t already could you please click on this link CLUB PHYSICAL REAL RESULTS find my picture, click into it and when my page opens up, click like.  The first prize includes a 12 week membership at my gym and I am trying to win it for my Dad as his doctors want him to start strength training as the chemo has really given him a beating!

Till next time

(Give your Dads a hug .. because all Dads rock!)




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2 Responses

  1. Susan says:

    Aaaand…Go! Your dedication is inspiring.

  2. Kat says:

    If James wants to eat Burger Fuel don’t cry – just distract him then grab his burger patty when he’s not looking!

    I’ve been eating Keto on and off for the last (more on than off) since the end of March and I’ve been amazed at how well I’ve done on it and how good I feel. One of the hardest things is letting go of familiar and habitual foods and finding other satisfying alternatives. There are days when it would be so much easier to throw some bread in the toaster but most of the struggle is with my head and not the rest of me. And at the end of the day, this is the choice I have made for myself at this time and I am getting far more satisfaction from the results (over 19kg gone since I met you at Butterfly Creek with my sister Jo) than I would from the transitory pleasure of a ‘forbidden’ food.

    Keep up the great work and take joy in the results!

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