The “trick” to treats
I tend to eat pretty much the same, day in, day out, on season or off. I think it comes down to the fact that I’m pretty lazy and if I eat the same I don’t really have to think about it.
Off season however I get to splurge every now and again without fear of derailing my competition preparation. Today was such a day. I had some vouchers to a local eatery that expire in four weeks, unfortunately they run out a week before a planned photoshoot I have, so I really needed to use them now so that I had four weeks up my sleeve to get in photoshoot shape. So I organised to take my bestie (who is the most beautiful pregnant lady I have seen!) out for a girls Sunday brunch.
Lots of people worry about eating out when they are trying to lose weight. Ive even heard concerns from people who are already lean but trying to stay that way. I follow some pretty simple “rules” to ensure that eating out isn’t a disaster to my waistline.
I plan my splurges, they are usually special events that are marked on the calendar weeks in advance.

Counting down to my special event
I tweak my food for the days leading up to my planned splurge by dropping a couple of hundred calories per day. This way Im not starving and my metabolism wont slow down.
On the day of my splurge I still do my cardio .. this gets the metabolism fired up.

Cardio Penance?
Then … I sit back, relax and enjoy!

Yes, I really can fit all of that im my tummy!
After a carb induced nap on the couch .. I did go for an hour long walk finished off with a heavenly sauna, what a way to end a weekend!
Till next time