The new must have accessory

At Ludus when it’s your “special day” (the b word, the one you don’t utter once you get past 25) you get to “celebrate” by doing 1 burpee for every year of your life with a weight vest on.

The Ludus vests that are girl appropriate need new velcro stat so they flap around and make doing anything in them a huge pita so the girls and I obviously thought it would be a great idea to buy our own AND they would come in handy for our epic adventuring.

I mean honestly, why just do an epic stair adventure when you can do an epic stair adventure whilst wearing a weight vest. (Yes the term crazy spartans describe my girlfriends down to a t)!

Number One Fitness were having a two day sale so the girls and I put in an order and waited for them to arrive like excited kidlets at Christmas all the while describing the activities we could do in them when they FINALLY arrived.

Anna (being two weeks post surgery) just planned to wear hers pretty much 24 hours a day, apparently you will burn more calories lying in bed with your weight vest on because it makes it harder to breathe .. logical I guess 😉

Izzy was wondering if they would let her through customs wearing it so that she could take it with her on her overseas holiday to Europe .. see how it even matches her carry on luggage!

Sal even wears hers to the office!  Yes Sal has an old school street fighter machine in her office!  I must admit that I have to walk up 8 flights of stairs to get to my office so you won’t see any pictures of me wearing mine at work 😉

Which just leaves me …

Well I guess you all know I am a busy working Mum with two kidlets. I’ve got to work, train, entertain kids, drink coffee, eat pancakes and even bake. So I do what every Mum does – I multi task!

They do say that abs are made in the kitchen ..

Till next time

And don’t forget if you haven’t already PLEASE SPONSOR ME!! you all know how I hate burpees take pity and fork out some money 🙂

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