The how?

Yesterdays blog post got a lot of feedback.  I received one email in particular that I thought might interest you.  I quoted Stephen Covey …

“Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.”

And the email I received (amongst other things) said;

For those of you who don’t know me in the “real world”, I am quite stubborn.  So when I decide to do something, I do it .. I will jump any hurdle, climb over boulders, what ever it takes to get me to the end goal, I will do.

So after the two kids and carrying an excess of 40 kgs I thought “shit enough is enough”, I was uncomfortable all the time, I couldn’t move freely, nothing fit and I basically didn’t like the person peering back at me in the mirror so one morning I stopped eating crap enlisted the help of my trainer and moved my ample arse until it wasn’t quite so ample anymore.


A year in the making .. I ate less, moved more and sought help.

Keeping it lit is the easy part.  I love the way I feel!  I love the way I look (well most days) and I love pushing my existing boundaries and becoming stronger, fitter and firmer.

I enjoy trying new things (take the duathlon for example) and finding new loves (like Ludus Magnus).  I just try and keep things interesting and doing things that I enjoy (with a few bits I don’t enjoy, like running) 😉

One pointer I  like to share with people is this ..

There is a Spanish proverb that I read once and it has always just stuck in my brain it is

“Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.”

It takes two weeks for an action to become a habit.  So if you can just get through two weeks of clean eating or exercising, I promise you it will be so much easier when week three rolls around .. just stay strong and remember you are binding all those cobwebs together to form an unbreakable cable!

Right enough of the “heavy stuff” lets get on to the part of the blog that my friend Bex has probably been waiting impatiently for ..

Todays worthy recipient of a combined wolf whistle was nominated by my friend Bex.  To tell you the truth I’ve only seen one of the movies he has starred in and one of those was a cartoon so he was a voice .. but he was cute in the one (terrible) movie I saw P.S I love you (Hillary Swank in my opinion was totally miscast, but I digress) here is

Gerard Butler


Dressed to Impress

If you have any more Wolf Whistle Wednesday nominations .. feel free to share the love!

Till next time

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