The Great Bag Hunt – Week Two

Last week I proclaimed “where is my the perfect gym bag?” and I embarked on “The Great Bag Hunt”

For week one I used my Billabong medium sized duffel and it worked well, it fit everything I needed on a daily basis except my boxing gloves.  But since I only box once during the week it wasn’t that big a deal.

Week two I thought I’d switch to something I knew would fit everything INCLUDING my boxing gloves.

My Balance Gym Bag has two end pockets and a front pocket like last weeks bag and has the exact same measurements except in it’s length.  It’s 10 cm’s longer.

This bag was a “freebie” it came as an add on when I purchased some supplements – as such the bag (in my opinion) isn’t as well made as week one’s bag.  The zips seem flimsy and they stick (tad annoying) and the strap digs in because it’s nylon but heck it was free ..


  1. It fits everything INCLUDING my boxing gloves
  2. I can throw my handbag into it on the way back to the car when I need to collect my food
  3. It was free


Apart from the zips being sticky and the strap digging in I can’t really fault it, I could always just swap the strap over from my other bag.  (I can’t believe I sound so grown up and practical!)

The winner?

At a pinch it’s this one because when I collect my food I can fit everything into this (handbag, gloves etc) and then I only need to carry this bag and my food parcel as opposed to trying to carry my boxing gloves, my food, my gym bag AND my handbag.

Now what?

I’ve still got two weeks to go in my “experiment” so although I’m quite comfy with this bag I will try out some other options before convincing myself not to buy another.  The only thing is the other two bags that I would test would require me to carry less stuff .. and neither will fit my boxing gloves.  I’m cringing at the thought .. wish me luck!

Till next time

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