The dress

Yes I know I’ve been awol.

Firstly the kidlets passed on their germs and I got sick (I really should teach Elias that his Mum is not a hanky!) it was touch and go for awhile as to whether I would still be able to travel to Emma’s hens weekend but I figured I would go anyway sick or not.

Thankfully by Thursday I was feeling relatively human so I packed Thursday night and headed to the airport before stupid oclock on Friday.

As I was now “off season” I decided that I was going to enjoy this weekend.  Drink champagne, eat “good” food and not worry about the consequences until I got home.  As long as I didn’t indulge too much before Saturday night because I still had to fit into THE DRESS 😉


The weather was amazing (unlike at home) and the weekend was spent doing all those things that girls do when they get together, eating, drinking, pampering and of course shopping.

So the good news is .. the dress fit!  The better news is that I had a fantastic weekend with the girls .. now time to diet so I can fit into yet another dress for the wedding.  Two dresses in one year, who would have thought 😉


My husband kindly reminded me last night that today is Wolf Whistle Wednesday .. I guess he likes to check out the “competition” 😉

So here we go …

To be honest I never thought that todays Wolf was that amazing and after the whole Broke Back Mountain thing I could not quite look at him in “that way” .. but he has grown on me ..

Jake Gyllenhaal

I mean how can he not grow on you .. he’s cuuuuute!

And he has amazing eyes!

And he looks great in a uniform – I do love a man in a uniform just ask James – he caught my eye in his dress uniform.

Till next time

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