Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

Do it BIG or stay in bed

Last Wednesday I stated that my goal for this month was to jump onto the “big” (for me) box, which in reality is...

Cluck cluck

Each morning after I’ve completed my training “proper” I have about 30-45 minutes (60 if I don’t dry my hair) free time until...

Embrace your shape

solid adjective: 1. firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid. Today I got told I “look solid”, obviously that was quite...

From the mouths of babes

First of all I wish all the Mothers out there a Happy Mothers Day!  I hope that you woke up to the two best things on...

Fail Better

On Monday afternoons the girls of the Nash clan head into the central city to take our respective Hip Hoop Fitness classes. The...

(Long) May it continue

In the month of May one year ago I entered my first Instagram Challenge which was somewhat aptly named May I Begin Yoga...

I am a quitter!

Last week after successfully completing the “don’t eat every f**king thing in sight cleanse”, I decided that I’d up the anti and attempt...