We’d decided to do Race Tekapo as it seemed like the perfect stepping stone (distance wise) to our end of year events.

I entered the 16km event as it was a step up from my last race (of 10km) and seemed the perfect mid way race towards my half marathon goal. James on the other hand was going to do the 32km which was a step up from his half marathon in Rotorua in preparation for his marathon in November.

Race Tekapo is in it’s third year so the pre and post race activities didn’t run as seamlessly as the Rotorua event. For example, I had to trawl through a tent full of bags to find our drop bags, where in Rotorua they’d all been lined up in race order so their team could find them quickly on your behalf.

However the actual race was well sign posted, the volunteers were amazing and I saw evidence of some well stocked aide stations on the longer courses.

Our accommodation (the Grand Suites) was right across the road from the village green which was were the race HQ was situated so it was just a short walk away. We also had a great view of the bridge the competitors crossed not long after the start gun, so I watched the ultra and marathon runners set off while James was getting ready.

James set off and if I accomplished my time goal, even though I’d start much later, I would finish at the same time as him. Our courses were on opposite sides of HQ – he spent most of his race on the steep banks of Mt John and my entire course was on the other side of Lake Tekapo, which although sounded easier – for me it was FAR more continuous running than I’m used too because there just weren’t enough hills to walk up .. I mean have you ever heard someone say there weren’t enough hills?

In fact my fave section of the course was the forest – which is where the hills were, I felt much more at home there than in the flatter barren landscape that I spent the majority of the race on. If I go back next year, I’m definitely taking on Mt John – apparently that is also where the majority of the race photographers were lol.

Oh and yes – I smashed my goal, so actually finished well before James.


There was a group of runners from Go Run Girls and Guys and we all had a post race dinner together.

We had a spa bath at our accommodation (was bliss).

The views at Race HQ were spectacular.

The custard croissant from the Four Square was AMAZING.


It’s a LONG way from home and not the easiest place to get too.

It was freezing.

If you do the 16km event, there aren’t any real views and there was only one photographer on the course.

The registration started late (because they didn’t have the race numbers) so you had to stand around in the freezing cold waiting.

The bag drop was a waste of time, I could have walked back to my accommodation quicker than I located my bag.


It’s not a hard no – but it is a very expensive trip and I didn’t enjoy the event as much as Rotorua so at this stage, it only gets a maybe ..

Till next time

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