Christmas Day 2009

77.2 kgs

My Christmas pressie this year is this Life Fitness Treadmill (spoilt much!). In anticipation of the food that I’m going to eat, but really shouldnt, I did a run/walk interval workout while the kids were napping before heading over to Mum and Dads.

During the workout I decided that I definately need to save up my pennies and invest in a heavy duty fan! Man its hot in the garage. I had the door slightly open, but there was no breeze at all today, so it was stifling. I managed 45 minutes though and the treadmill was just gorgy to run on, nice and springy.

I actually did really well on the eating front. I did have dessert, but didnt over indulge at all and never had that ick full feeling that you usually get on Christmas Day .. so quite proud of me!

I’ve got the big weigh in day with Jo on the 30th of December so the plan is to keep doing my cardio and weights throughout the holiday period. The gym is open shorter hours during the holiday period, so I will have to jiggle things around and thankfully Ive got the treadmill at home, so I can do some cardio at home when time is tight.

My other Christmas pressie (A life fitness crosstrainer) will hopefully arrive before the New Year, so I will have even more cardio options, id technically never have to leave home to train

Quite excited about getting my measurements done, im hoping for a really good loss .. im starting to fit into some of my bigger pre pregnancy clothes so im hopeful of a decent result and of still being on track for competing in the middle of next year.

On an “argh” note .. ive searched high and low for my competition bikinis and they arent anywhere to be found .. which means I have to now budget for new ones .. so “Argh!”

Anyway till next time xox

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