Category: Blog

My one word

This year I did away with the tradition of making any New Years resolutions. Instead of a long list of things I wanted...

They're coming ……

Christmas is all too rapidly approaching .. If you are anything like me you will consume too much dessert, spend more time in...

Shortest blog post ever

Today I ran.  I am shite. Today I had needles shoved into me (or strategically placed if you ask my physio).  It was...

My first crossfit comp

A while back I put my hand up to help out at the CrossfitHPU play off’s as a judge. Last week I attended...

Now thats my kind of WOD

I knew it was going to be hard work to haul my arse up at stupid o’clock this morning. I’d been up WAY...

The Instagram Addiction

Yesterday morning I overhead a conversation between 2 guys, they were discussing their mutual friends Instagram habits. Guy 1 – All they post...