Burp to Burr
So each morning this week has started with a burp of one form or another. Half burps, burps with a jump, burps with a clap, burps up a hill …

Burp anyone?
Yes I would in fact be talking about the classic burpee. I think the Ludus boys just come up with new and inventive ways of torture while eating their lunch eat day. I mean a frog hop up a hill with a burpee to follow .. up an entire hill? I was praying to God for strength that morning!
So, my day may start with a burp .. but lately its has been ending with a brrrrrrrr. Daylight savings ended this past weekend and the temperature is definately dropping. My friends who inhabit the artic are now sitting at their screens laughing at me, because obviously I have no idea of what cold is. I mean they plug their cars in overnight to keep them warm! Even James giggled at me last night when I headed out for my evening walk like this …

Wrapped up and ready to go
When we headed outdoors James said to me “all your missing is a scarf” to which I replied “Don’t worry, I won’t forget tomorrow, I’m freezing!”
For those of you who are curious, the temperature was 12 degrees Celsius, which is about 54 degrees Fahrenheit. (Which in my world is freezing) 😉
On other “me” news. I got my music cut by the boys in the studio and it is BEYOND AWESOME! Put it on my ipod shuffle and listened to it during my entire workout on Monday, then I went into the aerobics studio and nutted out most of the choreography .. so happy happy joy joy as Ren and Stimpy would say.
If you need some music cut don’t hesitate to contact them .. ask especially for Hayden, he rocks!
So speaking of rocks, lets get on with the show ….
I came across Mr Wolf Whistle in a random kind of way. The boys at Ludus have landed parts in the new series of Sparticus. When I mentioned Sparticus to a friend she mentioned Manu Bennett (who is a Kiwi actor in the series). I have to admit, I dont really do “olden day” series/movies, so I didnt know anything about the show at all, but I thought being the good “Spartan” that I am I best investigate … and thankfully I did because look what I came up with!
How did I not know that Andy Whitfield existed? I really need to watch some of these period pieces that James insists on watching 😉
Till next time