And So It Begins
11 weeks and 5 days!
So my 12 week countdown began on Saturday. Measures done (ok(ish)), workout completed (good) and new diary started (excellent). I’m doing six weight training sessions a week and cardio every day.

12 Weeks
Training has been really good! The boy is pushing me hard and I’m lifting heavier than ever. This weeks high points were bench pressing 40lbs per side which is a total weight of 60.8 kgs, which although is less than my body weight is pretty damn good for a girl. 😉 Oh and I did shoulder presses with the 40’s .. go me!
All in all Im not too unhappy with my starting point. The only down side is that I’m injured. I pulled my calf muscle doing something not even sporting related .. argh, I must be getting old! Anyway, it seems ok for now, just no running, but at least its not so bad I cant do cardio, so shouldn’t hinder my training at all.
Oh for those of you who have been asking about the photos from the beach session we had, I got them back. Some I love .. some I look like a teletubby … ahh the joys of the off season 😉 My James on the other hand .. looks smoking hot! Jealous much? Lol.
Here is a snippet ..

Beach Babe?

Yep thats my hunk of a husband

James loves this one ..
Till next time