A few on Friday – Episode 1
Invariably there are times throughout the week where I do/think/investigate/come across things and think to myself “oh I must write about that” but for various reasons don’t get around to it.
So I thought every so often, on a Friday (hence the blog title) I’d do a short round up of things I’ve wanted to tell you about but haven’t had the chance to yet ..
1. Weight Training is especially important if you plan to trail run.
I guess, if I had thought about it, it would have been a no brainer. But obviously I hadn’t (thought about it that is) because it was only when I started looking at various running related websites for a trail running program (the plan I selected was found here) that I read numerous articles on the importance of adding not only weight training but also balance drills and core work.
Quite fortuitously I started weight training a couple of weeks ago, just for general running but it’s the same movements so perhaps I always knew I was going to head offroad..

Building power and stability
2. Park Run Mayhem
Remember how I told you how I headed along to the Western Springs Park Run and it was free and awesome? Well the Stoke Gifford Parish Council have voted to impose a charge at the Little Stoke Park Run. They didn’t think it was fair that non runners had to pay for the upkeep of paths .
WTF?!?! Is it fair to pay for welfare housing (through taxes) if you don’t live in one? And don’t get me started on the money you’d end up spending on your residents ending up in hospital because of inactivity – honestly? Why put up barriers for people trying to become more active!
Family time @ Western Springs Park Run
3. A squirrel is a rodent
Leave a comment if you are not James and knew this!

Honestly? …
Till next time