I’ve seen posts about the Wilderness Magazine’s “Challenge” to walk 1200km in a single year a few times now but honestly? It seems like a such a huge commitment. I know it only works out to be 3.37km per day, but that’s 3.37km EVERY SINGLE day for an ENTIRE year!

It’s not like I can’t stick something out, I’ve done various burpee challenges (some twice) and there was that time I did a handstand every single day for a year, but honestly – it’s way quicker to bust out a handstand than it is to walk 3.37km ..

So, I have no idea how I got to this point, but today is Day 1 of 365.

I know, believe me, even Miss 14 said to me as I headed out for my walk “Isn’t this something you should be starting on January 1st? It seems like a New Years, thing to do” but I figured, why wait Julia – why give your brain enough time to think .. meh lets not ..

So here we are 5.34km down, 1194.66km to go.

Wish me luck, with the state of my fitness lately – I’ll need it!

Although, perhaps this is the perfect excuse to buy shoes .. I do love shoes …

Till next time

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