3 down

Three percent that is! So Katy is coming to my place this weekend and I shall listen to her while reading my Oxygen magazine .. bliss.

Have managed to lose 2.9 kgs of fat (yay) and put on 1.9 kilos of muscle (yay), so all is going well so far, Jo checked over my food and protein/carb/fat ratios and said it looked ok, well she actually said they were a tad low, but just to keep an eye on how I was feeling and to make sure Elias was still being his usual self (as I’m still breastfeeding).

So, I’m feeling like its all coming back to me now (I think that is a song lyric!), was beginning to worry as the scales were not budging, then they went up, although my clothes are fitting much better and I can even do up a pair of pants that I couldnt a few weeks ago, so I know my shape is changing even if the scales aren’t, so I’ve changed all my goals to fat percentages.

Anyway after seeing Jo today I did 40 minutes cardio, then did my biceps and abs, then went to physio, cried a bit cause he hurt me, then went over to Felicity’s and she took up the two pairs of Nike pants I got at Rebel sports on sale, so now I can actually wear them without falling over!

Food clean (yep Im a total bore).

So next goal is an anklet, I’ve always wanted one, but never got round to getting one, a Baltic amber one would be nice, or a plain silver one .. so will get my butt to the gym in the am tomorrow as im going out with my BFF to help her chose a dress to wear to a Melbourne Cup function (very posh).

Till next time





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