From the mouths of babes

First of all I wish all the Mothers out there a Happy Mothers Day!  I hope that you woke up to the two best things on earth – cuddles and coffee. <3

Since it’s Mothers Day I thought it would be interesting for this blog post to come from the “mouths of my babies” after all drunk people, kids AND leggings never lie .. 😉

I asked the same set of questions to both kidlets (separately) and I was actually quite surprised that their answers were quite similar even though Isabelle (7) would be super descriptive in her answers and Elias (5) got to the point succinctly, in fact the longest answer he gave me was six words long.

If I remember I’ll try and do this again in subsequent years to see how things change as the kids and I both get older.

What is Mum good at?
Issy – Hula Hooping, Handstands, Exercise, Computers, Keeping Secrets,Sewing & Watching TV.
Elias – Hula Hooping

What is Mum NOT good at?
Issy – Singing & Dancing
Elias – Minecraft

What is Mums favourite thing to do?
Issy – Watching TV, Using the computer, Handstands, Making Videos.
Elias – Hugging

What to do you and I do together?
Issy – Hula Hoop, Exercise, Walks & Shopping.
Elias – Play

Where is Mums favourite place to go?
Issy – Gym, Hoop Class, The Park
Elias – The Gym, The Park

Why do you love Mum?
Issy – Because Mum is pretty and does my hair
Elias – Because she’s the best Mum ever

Why does Mum love Dad?
Issy – Because he’s strong and can carry all the shopping.
Elias – Because he flew over on an airplane to find her.

How do you know Mum loves you?
Issy – Because she gives me hugs and kisses and pretends to cry when I leave so that I’ll come back for more hugs and kisses
Elias – Because she carried me in her tummy.

How does Mum make you laugh?
Issy – She tickles, tells jokes and pretends to cry when I leave so I go back and give her more hugs
Elias – Tickling

For the records, my favourite thing to do is sleep which would also mean one of my favourite places is my bed, but since neither one of my kids seems to like sleeping that much I didn’t expect them to know that, although maybe I should let them in on my secret in the hope that they won’t wake me up so often. 😉

Till next time





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