Three Weeks To Go!

15 May 2010 - 60.2 kgs - 3 weeks out

So little time so much to do!

Training has been awesome this week.  James (my husband) has trained with me three out of five sessions and its really helped, I can lift much heavier with him there to make sure I dont drop the weight on my head than if I train alone.  I’m also starting to see definition in my arms and chest area when I train, its just a pity I have to be lifting a heavy weight for the muscle to be visible 😉

Right .. so I’ve ordered another bikini (from they did my bikinis last time I competed .. I’m hoping by the time the comp comes round I should be able to fit into at least one of the many bikinis I will have.

I’m still loving my food, my fav meal (at the moment) is breakfast, it consists of eye fillet and toasted rice crackers … sooo good!  The other “meal” that I thoroughly enjoy is my final meal of the day .. its just a simple protein shake .. but I sit down and savour it and contemplate how the day went, its quite meditative.

My training partner Lavinia has decided against competing this year.  People preparing for competition are extremely selfish, we have to be .. the food is regimented, training needs to get done, cardio sessions need to be completed, posing practise, choreography etc etc etc, this is not a sport for everyone and even when this is the sport that you do, there will be times when the stack of cards called your life will come tumbling down around you … at those times competing is not an option for you, this doesn’t mean that you can never compete, it just means that it could be further down the track than you originally envisaged.  So hopefully I will be there when all the cards line up just right so I can support her.

Right .. its late and I need to get up early so I can get my cardio done before the kids wake in the morning .. I like to spend as much time as possible on the weekends with them since I work all week .. although by Monday im ready to go back to work for a rest!

Till next time xox

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