The things we do

So, the make up artist extraordinaire otherwise known as Teresa, has decided to up and get married on the day of my big comeback onto the bodybuilding stage (I know you are all thinking .. “how rude” and I couldn’t agree more ;)) So when I was flicking through the community college education booklet and came across a make up course, I thought “It must be fate”.

Now I do realise that bodybuilding makeup is a whole lot different to your every day kind of make up, but they do touch on special effects and night make up, so I’m hoping that will be enough to give me the confidence to give it a go on the day, otherwise I may have to put out an sos call to a certain lovely lady called Rhonda *hint hint, if you are reading*

Anyway, back to the reason I subjected you to that long drawn out explanation .. last night was the first hands on night and even though it was just basic foundation, shadow and lips I thought I coped reasonably well for the non girley girl that I am. 

I looked quite professional though, since I invested one of those metal carry case things the year I went to Taranaki with the bodybuilding team, actually I think that was the last time I used it!   So even though my technique may not have looked the part, my ensemble did 🙂

Next week I think we learn about contouring, I wonder if that would work with abs …

Till next time xox


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