The Mile (and not the green one) #tbt

I have two blog posts that far and away “out score” the hundreds (if not thousands) of other blog posts that I have ever written, they even outdo the post that contained actual photo’s of boobies .. go figure. ๐Ÿ˜‰

In second place is a tutorial I wrote about how to customise a weight belt – this blog post was obviously written during my crossfit “phase” although I do still use the belt and my crossfit skills, just not at an actual box – these days I work out in a garage, which I guess is very similar to a box just sans the sweaty shirtless menย  ….

By far and away the most popular post on my blog is “The Burpee Mile – Tips from a survivor” which makes complete sense because when Anna decided that we should do the burpee mile we all looked to the internet for advice from people who had gone before us.

It was Anna who mentioned we should wear gloves after reading someone elses blog post. So it only seemed fair to pay it forward and offer my advice to those who would come after us and looking at the stats it seems as though hundreds of people do the mile each year!

Four years later I still remember just how shit it was but I guess it’s a bit like giving birth because I’m now far enough removed from the pain to reconsider doing it again.

Maybe I’ll save it for the fifth anniversary of the event that gives me at least six months to warm up to the idea. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Till next time





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