ROTORUA – The Wall (and Basement Cinema)
Our final day of climbing (day 3) of the ACYDC Camp was spent at The Wall, in Rotorua City Centre.
James and I have actually climbed here before – the time he took me Ziplining for my birthday and although I mentioned we climbed in that post I also said I’d write a more indepth post about the climbing gym but, I haven’t (yet) so take this as the *long awaited* “more indepth” post that I promised you.

The Wall has a pretty cool set up – the wall is almost 20m at the highest point and there are 56 different climbs, 28 lead climbs and 26 top ropes (a few of those are on autobelay) and a pretty cool boulder cave. There is also a 17m caving ladder that the Dad’s seemed to enjoy the most. 😉
But not only do they have a climbing wall – there is also a cinema – crazy huh?!?!
The cool thing about having the cinema complex onsite (and a backpackers upstairs) is that there is a bar, snack food and a lounge area – which is nice when you’ve climbed hard a deserve an alcoholic beverage – unfortunately, I still had to drive back to Auckland – so no drinks of the adult variety for me.
I did however get to climb so that’s a bonus – right?

My fave wall is right next to the backpackers window (so you can see directly into their communal lounge area) – I’ve never actually seen any backpackers hanging out – but I think it would be a pretty cool place to stay if you were heading to Rotorua – you could watch everyone climbing!
Last time I went I loved the chimney so much I told Isabelle all about it – unfortunately she was completely underwhelmed when she saw it. *sigh*
I still think it’s uber cool though – perhaps you need to climb in it at nighttime to get the “full” effect.
Till next time