The Overview

Let’s just say it started out pretty crap, got pretty good and then went down hill .. fast!

The Bad?

Monday – finished work, “drove to the trail” and the car decided to have a hissy fit. Kissed goodbye to over 3 hours while I waited for it to be towed back to the dealership for them to sort out. Still needed to get a run in, so opted to run around the block as the idea of being cooped up in a gym was anything but appealing but that stage.

The Good?

The Rotorua Run the Forest Weekend! James slayed and I did better than I expected. We also went for a climb @ The Wall, enjoyed the spa pool on our deck and ate some great food at CBK. For a run down on the actual race, check out the blog post.

The Even Worse than Bad?

I got sick, like REALLY sick. I came back from Rotorua, managed to do the short recovery run on the Monday (where I basically just ran down to pick up the aforementioned car) and then I started to get the chills and I was in bed for the majority of the week. I even missed my baby playing at the KBB Music Festival and I was really looking forward to seeing him play.

So what actual training did you do?

Week 2 (Race Week) – 2 short run sessions and two strength sessions.

Week 3 – 1 short run and another short session on Sunday (first one post sickness).

Total mileage 32.3

Where to from here?

If you are the “thoughts and prayers” type – chuck a few my way!

Till next time

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