Week 24/37 – Road to Routeburn 2025
Made some progress this week.
Walked “offroad” for the first time since this current injury, with a trip to Bethells Lake on the Friday (the soft sand may have not been the best idea) and a follow up 4km hike in Riverhead Forest on the Saturday. That walk went pretty good, I stuck to areas I was relatively familiar with and kept it short.
Running this week didn’t go quite as smoothly as I would have liked. I did a 1km trial (flat/road) on Friday afternoon at the request of my physio and although I could run slowly (non stop) it wasn’t at all comfortable – I wouldn’t have said it was pain, but I think if I’d continued it would have become pain. So next week, I’d say I’ll still be walking – which to me is better than nothing.
Climbing without a doubt, was the highlight of this week with a visit to a newly reopened Crag. I even managed to do an outdoor lead – granted it took me two attempts and lots of mantra reciting, deep breathing and general coaxing from my climbing buddies – but in the end I did it.
I’ve probably said this before, but this injury has given me more time to get back into climbing and it’s been pretty refreshing. Obviously I’m rusty but like most sports, it’s like riding a bike, you don’t forget the basics – it just takes time to refine the skills again.
Next week I’ll still be walking, but I’m going to move off the flat road and back onto some less technical trails, both sessions I did off road this week proved that I’m ready to take the next baby step.
Till next time