Peaking Hump Day
Peak Week – Day Three (which also happens to be hump day!)
I’ve been hanging out for this day, because it means that tomorrow I get carbs .. its the small things in life that make it worthwhile these days. 😉
Even though I’ve had no carbs since Sunday I feel pretty good. At work today I was tired, but not overwhelmingly so which was handy since I had to do the wages for three companies today along with all the 20th of the month cheque runs. I think the fact that I am really busy could be helping me get through this peak week? Im not sure, but this time around has definitely been easier than last time.
HOWEVER by the time I got to training with Miss Jo at 7pm I was exhausted.  She was running a little late so I sat at the desk waiting and I just about fell asleep! lol.  I told her I was doing better this peak week and she said “but you look more tired this time around” .. I figure that’s because she is working my arse off .. really its all her fault I’m so tired. She just kept reminding me during our session that I could do nothing for the next four weeks if I wanted. (It didnt help though) 😉
Anyway enough me me me talk .. you’ve had plenty of that this week! Onto what most of you associate Wednesday with .. hunky men!
Today’s recipient is a member of the NZ Breakers Basketball team who just so happened to win the NBL this year! Go Breakers! (On a side note, the game was the same night as the Royal Wedding .. I guess there was a lot of channel switching going on in some households)
Paul Henare .. not bad, not bad at all!
Till tomorrow