Week 18/37 on my road to the Routeburn Challenge 2025

What do I remember about this week?
There were hills .. a lot of them ..
I also ran from the Forestry Road entrance of Riverhead, which I haven’t done in years – so many years in fact that where there used to be trees, there are none, and where they’d felled – now has trees (albiet small ones).
Also, in that time I’ve become a much stronger runner – crazy what happens when you pretty much concentrate on running. 😉
Hmm what else ..
Oh yeah, I lifted heavy things against the force of gravity – I even got to see Miss Jo on Thursday since my baby was at camp and I got to nab his session with her .. (and yes, I still make her life difficult by repeatedly saying no .. )
Fave session?
Probably my jaunt around Riverhead – even though it was super hot and dusty. It’s nice to go back to places I used to run and see the improvements I’ve made.
Easily my weekend run – I needed to get 400m+ of vert in 8km which was quite hard logistically as the hills on my trail are quite far apart, so in order to get that vert I did 1km hill repeats – wouldn’t say it was the most enjoyable thing I’ve ever done, but I did feel pretty bad arse even more so when I finished feeling surprisingly fresh!
What’s ahead?
Next weekend I’m doing another trail half marathon so the training week is pretty light. It’ll be interesting to see how this one goes, however it also has a tonne of vert on it, so I’m equal parts excited and scared .. or perhaps 40/60 with scared coming out slightly on top. 😉
Till next time