Fa la la la la
Tis Friday and I feel like I should sing “fa la la la la, la la la la”
During the week when I am at work, I have the luxury of a lunch break. I know how lucky I am, because when I was at home with the kids, I was lucky if I got a coffee break, let alone an entire hour to myself!
Anyhoo I digress, during my lunch break I tend to surf the net and I come across some amazing things. I’ve decided that each Friday I will share my top five “You have to know about these things” because I am an enabler and you shall be enabled 😉
This kind deed shall be known as …
They made versa gripps even more amazing by making them pink! I use my gripps all the time, especially because I tend to get sore forearms before anything else tires, and these help me lift heavier than I could otherwise.
Harbinger Pink and Black Gloves
Now I actually have a pair of these, but don’t you think they would look even more cute with pink versa gripps! 😉
Kate Spade Gym Bag
Yes I have a thing for pink! But by golly this is just beautiful! Although I could get a new set of boobs for what these things sell for .. hmmm, bag or boobs .. I think the boobs would win (narrowly).
Awesome concept! I would love to do a their luxury retreat. Learning to surf combined with massages, facials, happy hour .. what more could a girl want? (Apart from some hot hunky surfer boy to teach her, oh hang on a minute, I have one of those lol).
Well I am a Mum after all, so you are bound to get something kidlet related in my top five. We got the kids a wooden kitchen and stove and its awesome!
So my time of rest is drawing to a close and its two days of toddler wrangling to come. You stay at home Mums, rock!
Well it’s been a great week in the land of Julia the “fitness chick”, really enjoying training at the moment, it probably has something to do with the off season carb intake, but I’m a happy camper so all is good with the world.
Here is a round up of the week in pictures.

Yes, I carry a camera everywhere!
Till next time