Day 22 to 28 – Happy Hatha Yoga

Week Four ..

Day 22 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Sing!

Day 22 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Sing!! Singing feels good and everyone can do it. So, join me today singing a little mantra and practicing a little yoga. 🙂

Day 22’s practice starts out with actual singing (well chanting to be precise) – I pushed fast forward ..

The “practice proper” starts at the 5 minute mark and is perhaps one of my favorite sequences to date, there’s even some headstand action!

Day 23 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Get Creative!

There’s a link between creativity and happiness. Visual art, such as drawing, coloring, painting, etc can help to lower stress levels.

The cat, cow, child pose flow alone is worth saving Day 23 onto your favorites list.

Day 24 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Be nice to yourself!

Hatha Yoga Happiness Day 24: Be nice to yourself! Have you ever stopped to listen to the way you talk to yourself? Pay attention. Notice if you treat yourself as nicely as you would treat your best friend. If not, start to change that inner dialogue…affirmations are very helpful!

We get to do the cat, cow, child pose flow again – there are also lots and lots of twists (which we also did in yesterdays class, I guess twists really make Lesley happy).

Day 25 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Plan Some Fun with Friends

Day 25 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Plan some fun with friends. Friends are awesome…especially the ones that make you laugh so hard that tears roll down your face and your sides hurt. Plan a get-together with those friends. Don’t invite the ones that make you feel tired!

This is one of my faves. Lots of loosening up the legs we even do the splits!

Day 26 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Day 26 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Practice Random Acts of Kindness To do something for someone else almost always brings you happiness. It’s super great if you can do something for someone without them even knowing it was you!

This practice is quite upper body dominant with lots of plank variations and handstands.

Day 27 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Change your ‘should’s’ to could’s…’

Day 27 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Change your ‘should’s’ to could’s…’and your ‘have to’s’ to ‘get to’s’ Language is powerful. It can make a huge difference in how happy you feel. Notice what happens when you change these two little things!

I have to say, this one little piece of advice is a great way to change your perspective. I’m definitely taking this one on board.

As for the practice, this is a longer session than normal (for Lesley Fightmaster) and thankfully it’s not her usual practice with a 10 minute breathing sequence to start. Instead it’s a nice flow from start to finish. Another one for the favorites list.

Day 28 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Revisit your dreams and goals!

Day 28 Hatha Yoga Happiness: Revisit your dreams and goals! As we’re moving toward the end of our 30-day program, I invite you to revisit and assess your goals. A great tool to bring in what you want is to make a vision board!

Started out scrumptious, I love side stretches. I even settled into the 6 minute breathing sequence that followed but she lost me when I then “had” to sit in meditation ..

Till next time





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