Ronan was right when he said life is a roller coaster

The weekend came and then went .. like the sand through the hour glass (I know you all thought “These are the days of our lives” right then) 😉

As I mentioned in my last blog post I was starting out the weekend with a session at Ludus with a bunch of fit bitches aka my friends Yumi, Oso and Robin.

Who James nicely informed me before I left would probably no longer be my friend post workout.

Anyhoo we got to Ludus early so that;

a) Their brains wouldn’t be wide awake and realise what they were about to do
b) I could show them around the area and instruct them on how to use the equipment and finally –
c) We could take photos without loads of people thinking we were strange and obviously we would still look fresh and “beautiful”

Case in point ..

See how “minty fresh” we all look and how big the smiles are. Which is in stark contrast to how we ended up looking after the session had finished ..

We are still smiling though! The FBs are smiling because they didn’t die and I’m smiling because it’s time to go and get coffee and food! Coffee + Food always makes me smile that broadly.

So all in all Saturday was a good day!

The plan for Sunday was a “long” run. The physio had said I could run till I felt pain so I decided I would kill two birds with one stone and go out and run the Whenuapai course before actually doing the event this weekend. The plan was to run the 10k course then do the 5k loop to finish.

I got my map (old school writing on hand) and headed to the “start line” I figured I could just slow down the pace I usually run at and “baby” my knee. The first 1k hurt but I just figured It was still warming up. By the 5k mart it REALLY hurt but either way I went I would still have another 5k’s to get back to the car so I just kept plodding.

At that point I hit Kauri Road and for some reason I forgot that there are no footpaths on that road *sigh* so I played hobble along the side of a “highway” trying not to fall into a ditch or get hit by a car.

Anyway as you can tell (because I’m posting a blog entry) I made it back to the car, close to tears but not so bad that tears actually flowed and after applying ice as per the physios instructions it was *almost* as good as new.

The physio’s words of wisdom when I saw him on Monday?

“You ran how far?? That was a tad optimistic of you my dear”

So no running for the rest of the week and we will assess then and see if it will be ok to run the event on Sunday.  Who knew that I would EVER be bummed that I can’t run!

The best part about the running ban?

That frees up two extra mornings which OBVIOUSLY means more time in the Arena!  Booya!

Till next time
(You know where to find me)

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