It feels like forever (11 of 2011 – Travel to another country)

Yet in fact its only been a week since stage day. 

The first week has been a blur of activity.  The day after the competition I spent the day frantically packing and organising.  Then we all few 11 hours and landed in the US of A.  The flight was long and tedious and I spent the entire flight either with Isabelle on my knee having cuddles or walking up and down the aisles with an upset Elias.  I was seriously asking myself why I had decided that this would be fun 😉

We arrived mid morning and got to our hotel mid afternoon.  We were all knackered, so we all showered, ate and slept.  The next day we explored Downtown Disney, where I came across this ….

Yep an entire store dedicated to cupcakes!  I decided to try the red velvet cake as I’ve read about it on numerous blogs but have never tasted it, although its just chocolate cake with red coloring, so I guess I have tasted it since I’ve had chocolate cake plenty of times.

Eating was pretty haphazard in LA.  We didn’t have cooking facilities in the room, so we ate out at every meal which was not ideal .. but I usually take a week off post comp, so I wasnt too fussy and just ate wherever the rest of the family ate (which was usually ihop, because it was cheap and pretty tasty).

Exercise was non existent unless you count the hours of walking we did every day, although I carried/pushed (or dragged) Isabelle, so I figure I worked off a decent amount of calories per day (and my shorts still fit at the end of the week .. so I guess the walking did something good).

I do have to admit I was over “junk” food by the end of our stay in LA and just wanted a good old fashioned bowl of oats made with water and a splash of yoghurt .. so that was going to be the first thing I was going to have for breakfast when I reached the UK.

Oh but I did manage to cross off an item on my bucket list!  Number 13 in fact …

For those of you who don’t recognise it, that would be a Churro.  I remember seeing them last time I was in LA but I didn’t have one (I think its because I didnt know what they were), after talking with some of the Bobettes and ascertaining that a Churro was a mexican donut I thought I’d try one out.

The verdict?  There ok .. probably not something I would crave for during competition prep .. they actually just remind me of sugar donuts that we have at home, but a bucket list item crossed off is always a good thing.

Anyway .. the USA treated us well (probably a little too well) and the UK awaits (and a bowl of porridge) ..

Till next time (when I guess I shall be freezing)

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