Soul running

Remember when I told you all that I love to run?

Well after “having to” road run since that day (because I couldn’t justify spending money on fuel to get to a trail, when I could walk out my door and run along the road for free) I feel I need to quantify that statement, because as I quickly came to realise I don’t actually love (or even much like) running per se.

In fact during the time where I didn’t have a job and “punished myself” by only running on the road (for free) I pretty much decided that I must have been crazy because running wasn’t much fun at all!  I mean sure it’s supposedly good for you, but so are brussels sprouts and I don’t much care for them either!

So on Tuesday* morning because all of my recent experience with running was as far from fun as you can get, I quite literally had to force myself to head out for a trail run.  Weird right?

I thought about picking a short, easy trail close to home – you know to get it over and done with quickly (and cheaply) but then decided to head out to the Te Henga Walkway because not only is Bethells relatively close to home the views make the climb up to the cliff top worthwhile, in fact, Te Henga Walkway was one of the very first “real” trails I ran (granted on that day there was a tonne of walking and photo taking involved so I guess not much has changed in all this time).

It was a somewhat chilly but beautifully sunny Autumn morning and it didn’t take long to remember why I love to trail run.  I get to stop a lot 😉 (and those views!)

For example I paused/stopped or slowed down for various reasons including (but not limited too);

  1. Hills (they’re quicker to walk)
  2. The views
  3. Bird watching
  4. Yoga
  5. I couldn’t breathe … because hills ..


More importantly I remembered how being out on the trails makes my heart happy (my knees, not so much). 😉

Till next time
Do more of whatever makes you happy!



*My new job allows me to select the days/hours I work and Tuesdays are now a non work, get yourself out onto the trails day.
Like I said earlier PERFECT!



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