2011 – You rocked!

Today brings a close to the year that was 2011 and it’s a year that I truly have to give thanks for.

I’ve made great new friends, I’ve reconnected with some old ones and my family is happy, healthy and most of the time a joy to be around (but ask me at about 6.30 pm each night and joy may not be the first word that springs to mind when thinking about my family) 😉

I crossed 8 things of my 11 things to do in 2011″ which I guess is a step up on most people’s resolutions which are usually forgotten about on the 2nd – the final three:

  1. Catch a fish
  2. Try indoor rock climbing
  3. Try sea kayaking

Will now move onto my bucket list – so although I didn’t get to them this year, I will get to them .. one day.  I’ve got a multitude of things up my sleeve for the New Year and I’m quite excited about them all, but as today is all about reflecting and giving thanks I will leave that for another post.

Believe in Yourself – Others Will Follow

Like Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are usually right” so throughout 2011 I learnt to believe in myself whether any one else believed in me or not.   I would decide that I wanted to do something (like doing 11 pullups) and although I didn’t quite know how I would get to that point, I knew that I would.


If you do what you have always done – you will get what you have always got

Yep that was yet another quote 😉 this time from Mark Twain.  This year I stepped outside of my comfort zone and sought out new challenges and you know what?  It was L I F E  C H A N G I N G !   I found an entire new family in a inner city warehouse, no they weren’t drug addicted homeless people – these are an entirely different class of crazies otherwise known as Ludians.

I rightly give thanks to Ludus for turning me from someone who looked fit into someone who actually is!


Sometimes even though you think you will learn to love something – you won’t – ever

I’ve spent nearly an entire year waiting for my love of burpees to develop – and you know what?  It hasn’t!  You know what else?  I don’t think I will ever love those suckers!

Maybe I will give them another year .. they may just grow on me eventually!

Till next time

Have a safe New Year!

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