What Am I Now?

The 100 kilometer Fit Bitch Challenge had been set and last night I won the battle with my inner lazy and donned running shoes (and cute socks) to put some mileage on the board.

I drove straight to the stadium after work as I had decided that I would run the bike track that follows the Henderson Creek.   This route keeps me away from the roads during peak time traffic which saves me from inhaling car fumes *ick*

Anyway I digress (as usual).  A few steps into what was to be a 10k run I was thinking hmmmm this doesn’t feel good.  But I kept running (as I do) and figured I would warm up and my knee would settle down.  It didn’t and I kept talking myself into carrying on (as I do) ..

“Just go one kilometre”

“OK that wasn’t too bad – run to the end of this part of the track”

“Yeah ok its sore but you may as well keep going – run to the Library”

Because I’m me I did in fact make it to the library which was 5 k’s but by the time I made it I was seriously holding back tears of pain AND frustration.   I walked the rest of the route but instead of going back along the entire bike path I cut through the stadium which shortened the return journey by 2ks.

If you knew the Julia of a year ago there would be no way in hell she would be crying over the fact that she can’t run, heck the kidlets would have had to been in mortal danger for that Julia to even consider running! How things change in the space of a few months.

This Julia spent the entire “run”  having the following conversation with herself ..

“Shit how the hell am I going to run a marathon when I can’t even run 5ks”

“Now what am I?  I’m not a runner, I’m not a bodybuilder, WTF am I ?? A failure!  What can I do??”

Which then lead onto my most important dilema ..  “How the hell am I going to eat cake if I can’t run!”

Yep TOTALLY forget all third world problems, I have real worries .. *sigh*

I drove home with a cloud hanging over my head (an imaginary one obviously, I am not a Disney character) and walked in to find my voice of reason – otherwise known as James.

After a hug and a kiss on the forehead (which tends to make everything better) he “solved” each one of my dilemmas .. sometimes I am thankful that men come from Mars because having two Venus dwellers in the house would not be helpful at this point in time.

So this is how it breaks down in Martian terms ..

“Shit how the hell am I going to run a marathon when I can’t even run 5ks”

You still have plenty of time.  Give yourself AND your knee a break.

“Now what am I? I’m not a runner, I’m not a bodybuilder, WTF am I ?? A failure! What can I do??”

You are a Ludian and really if you think about it you would be more depressed about giving that up!  However you ARE runner, you are just a runner having a break while your knee heals.

Which then lead onto my most important dilema .. “How the hell am I going to eat cake if I can’t run!”

Just replace the running with something you can do. Calories in vs calories out.  You know that Julia!

I always knew he was more than a good looking bloke with a decent set of shoulders and a six pack.  I’m just usually blinded by the six pack 😉

So there you have it – I am a runner on a break who is now going to walk 100k in the month of May *oh joy* At least I got 8k in last night so I only have 92k to go.   If you feel sorry for me and want to keep me company I’m open to all offers 😉

Oh but on a brighter note – broken knee does NOT mean the end of Julia’s epic adventuring!  Next weekend we have a goodie planned.  It revolves around these ..

These stairs are 63 metres in length and cover a height of 42 metres.  Did I also mention the epic adventure involves burpees?

Maybe that’s what I am .. an adventurer!

Till next time

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1 Response

  1. Susan says:

    Julia – those stairs! Man, those stairs. They look like fun!

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