Is “that girl”

Today should have been triathlon day ..

Yesterday I drove across town and picked up my race pack.  It was drizzling but nothing too bad.  Last night I organized all my gear into groups according to when I would need the items.  I packed them all into plastic bags because it was still raining.  Even though it was raining heavier than it had all day I was sure it would clear up enough, after all .. the swim was up first, so I was going to get wet anyway .. a bit of rain wouldn’t hurt.

Race Pack

So I hopped into bed nice and early because I had to get up at stupid oclock to rack up my bike and get to the venue.

I woke at least five times during the night, mostly because the wind was blowing a gale and the trees or the rattling windows would wake me.  Still I figured It would calm down and I’d be fine.

When my alarm went off my heart sank .. it was blowing a gale and the rain was belting down sideways.  Now ordinarily I probably would have just sucked it up and done it anyway .. but because Ive torn my calf muscle and Im not running properly, the knee ive had reconstructed tends to pop out when I slip .. that scared me.  The thought of being out of action cardio wise is scary for someone who is 12 weeks out from comp!

Argh .. youve got to be kidding me!

So I made the decision to blow it off and jumped on the treadmill instead.  Sigh ..

Im turning into “that girl” .. the one that says she is going to do something but doesn’t .. that is the one trait I cant stand in a person .. and that seems to be me at the moment!

Right time to build a bridge … (and enjoy my babies third birthday .. I am a Mum of a three year old .. can you believe it!)

Till next time

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