CrossfitHPU Playoff 5 – Recap WOD2 (Heavy Barbell)

WOD 2 “The Heavy”

(10 minute time cap)

100 push press
60 front squats
40 clusters (squat clean, thruster)

Team splits into two groups (males and females) and each team of three must complete the allocated reps at the specified weight (50/35kgs). Reps however do not have to be allocated evenly.

After our team completed WOD1 “the run” at Victoria Park we all headed back to base and changed out of our running shoes, got some food and hung around the arena checking out the stands and the early heats before settling down in the warm up area until we were shepherded into the holding bay.

WOD2 would be our introduction the main arena with all it’s noise, lights and crowds of screaming spectators. Was I nervous? I was probably more nervous about whether I’d be able to hold my own in WOD2 than the actual environment, but that’s not to say my breath wasn’t taken away for a split second when I walked through the doors onto the main floor!

HPU Platinum had been allocated a lane in the center of the arena.  In fact all of the HPU teams had been put in the center bays – it’s one of the perks of being on the “home side”.

Our team had decided that George would go first, then Tania and I would “bat” last. I prefer to have a rep range to aim for so my goal was to do at least what the other girls had done (bar the front squats, honestly those girls LOVE squats, there was no way I’d be able to keep up with them on those), case in point Tania did 30 front squats first up! In a row! WTF who does that?!? (Well apart from Tanz) 😉

In fact both girls excelled in this WOD! On 3-2-1 George turns on her Super Mario mode and even though I was supposed to be the “push press Queen” George outdid me and completed 45 of the 100 overhead presses!

We (the girl portion of HPU Platinum) had never completed WOD2 within the time cap in any of our practice runs, but thanks to my team mates turning on their super warp mode we finished just in the nick of time with a score of 9:50 and although our boys were worried about finishing at all, they beat us!

I’ll be completely honest and state that I found this WOD far harder than I thought it would be. Although I’m confident and somewhat capable at pressing, squatting and cleaning 35kgs (even after running) I’m not used to trying to move so quickly and didn’t feel that I did as well as I should have. On this one my role was to hold the bar and make up the team numbers!

On a positive note, yet another WOD completed within the time cap and team HPU Platinum finished WOD2 with yet another 36th placing.

We are very consistent ..

Till next time





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