This is not goodbye

For the past eight weeks my morning has started out a little something like this ..

However today it started out like this …

I saw Miss Jo last night and we did my measures.  My weights down, my fat is down, BUT my muscle is also down so she finally put her foot down and said that I had to give up the high intensity cardio. *sigh* So this morning instead of playing fun team games, I was out walking in the dark by myself .. oh well I guess bodybuilding is a solo sport 😉

You see the problem is .. I have ALWAYS had to cardio into a show, I have ALWAYS been behind target so I was just doing what I have always done.  Which is more cardio and less food.  However this time around I am exactly where I need to be, so instead of doing copious amounts of cardio I actually needed to back off and let the food do all the work of leaning me up.  One lives and learns I suppose (and thats why I have Miss Jo).


She may be small in stature .. but with arms like that, I do what I'm told!

However I just want to balance this up.

Since starting Ludus I have lost all of 2.6 kgs of muscle and I managed to maintain my muscle for the first four weeks.  It wasn’t till I dropped under 10% bodyfat that I started dropping the muscle.  During my last comp prep I lost a whopping 6.6 kgs of muscle in the 12 weeks lead up (see what I mean about needing to decrease my cardio this time around).

Anyway .. this isn’t a goodbye to Ludus (as I was close to bursting into tears when Miss Jo was telling me I can’t go) it is merely see you later.  In fact next week, because Miss Jo said I could do it twice a week (believe me there was some bargaining going on) 😉

On a happier note I spied these …


I see the hint of my abs! Usually they wait till show day to arrive 😉

Till next time

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1 Response

  1. Julia – you’re looking awesome. Great abs, girl! I wished my trainer had watched me so closely leading up to my comp. I could ‘feel’ myself getting skinny, shrinking away in areas that I shouldn’t have, but he never said anything. In fact he said, no, keep up the cardio. And I seemed to lose all perspective on my own body. Weird. All good lessons! Keep up the great work. Ludus will always be there post-comp!!

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